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Summer outside, Huskies on my mind

Well, I know its August. A whole summer has past since I got back from Finland. Although I kept myself busy, I felt that I have changed somehow. On a card cover it would simply say "now you're older.. but wiser too". That would only describe the top of the iceberg.

Since my first journey 5 years ago my behavior has changed - of course. Between the age of 15 and 25 people's personalities change 180° around and back again. It swings, twists and turns from one opinion to the complete opposite and back again (must be awesome to have a kid in this age..). There are hipsters, it-girls, sport-pro's, hippy kids and many other freaks in this world. But usually, they wont stay like that forever. One day you wake up and realise that your life has a certain regularity. To be honest, that's the nicest thing you can wish someone: to be truly happy with their everyday life. If you're one of them: Well done! On the other side, the worst thing someone has to realise: that they are not happy with their everyday life. And the point of it all is, that they are not aware how they got into this situation, therefore also don't know how to get out of it. Takes a while to figure it out - no matter what age you are. We should not forget how important it is to be happy with ourselves, therefore also to make a step and change something on our situation if we dont like what we wake up for every morning.

To grow, you have to find your own way. Everybody know's that. By seeing different places and meeting other people and cultures by having a real interest in it, unintentionally you'll pick up pieces for yourself. Those pieces belong to the big puzzle that will show what person you are. This will go on for a whole lifetime i guess. 
I have learnt many valuable lessons and desirable qualities of my time i've been away and out of my comfort zone that i have at home. 
But then again,
back home and sooner than you want to, you'll settle back in the old schedule. Reunited with the old habits, your newly found values will fade. But it's just like you loose your keys: you know that you have them and they must be somewhere, you just have to find them. 

Life is like going on a hike in the alps: When you're in the valley at the starting point, there are many options of paths. You choose one. The further you walk up the mountain, the fewer the junctions get. And only by choosing one junction off the main path you might end up on a complete different summit

In my case, that's why i travel. And that's why going out and seeing new things are important for everyone. Everyone should leave their comfort zone to a regular basis, according to their possibilities.

I visited the Husky farm in Lapland 4 times. And when i was asked why i wanted to go back, i really did not know the answer. 5 months since my last stay, i finally found words how the Huskies have changed and influenced my personality. 
The most important lesson was to teach me to stay focused and to be patient. And i mean incredibly patient and real focused until you reach your goal. The dogs master these values naturally. Another lesson was about trust. But to fully understand this art, i have a long way to go. Who knows, maybe it will be the dogs once again who find another piece to my puzzle. 

Although i did not immediately realise, i have been living with these new habits the past months, maybe years and i do not intent to let them fade ever again.


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